Monday, June 23, 2008

The origins of Venice - Tito Canal

One of the projects this fall will be on "The origins of Venice". The plan is to explore three aspects:
  1. the archeological records about the early history of the city,
  2. the genesis of the "Forma Urbis", and
  3. the genetic origins of the Venetian people

Today, I met with Tito Canal, who single-handedly discovered almost 300 archeological sites in the lagoon and is also a descendant of a long lineage of Venetians. We plan to help him release his opus magnum this year as his lifetime legacy, which will fit nicely with our 20th anniversary as well, since we made the first GIS map of the lagoon for him in 1990 (under DOS!). The 1990 project was also the first Venice IQP to win the President's IQP award, when John Strauss was WPI's president.

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